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Our Firm

I am Harmohan Khanna, the founder of IIT Financials Inc. I am an experienced banker with 25+ years of professional experience from various different sectors of the financial industry.
We are located in the heart of Mississauga (near Heartland) serving clients from all over GTA.  
We will guide you from 'stage 1' of your business incorporation. Our expertise lies is high quality Accounting, Bookkeeping and Taxation services to new and existing businesses. 
We help our client file their returns on timely basis to avoid heavy interest and penalities from CRA.
Besides Accounting, our Financial Investment Products are outstanding as well to fit your both; short and long term financial goals. Whether it's a retirement fund, education fund, money market fund or any GIC invesments we will provide your proper understanding of these products so you can keep an eye on your investments from time to time.
While you are busy growing your business, the unexpected can always happen which can result in a setback to your personal and financial situation. In order to protect your future and the future of your family members, we are also partnered with several insurance companies which insure your life, business and investments. Our Insurance products from reputable Canadian Insurance Companies will give you peace of mind and security so you can concentrate on your work and let them take of the negative unforseen events.




"To strategically align our growth with the succcess of our clientele through high standards of service and professionalism."

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